Monday, January 3, 2011

goals for 2011

happy new year!

2010 was a wonderful year for us.  lots to be thankful for and so many memories that filled our year.  i love that so much of it was documented on this blog.  i love that i got to share it with my family. and i am really looking forward to this new year.

with that i do have some goals that i am hoping to achieve this year.  first off i wanted to share my word for 2011.  i have chosen a word for the last few years and it has been helpful in getting me to tackle some of the areas in my life that i feel need to change. my words have been RESOLVE, GRATITUDE and last year my word was TIME.  i wanted to work on taking better care of my time, not giving away my time, being to places on time, not wasting time.  i say it worked pretty well.  i was very conscious all year about making the best use of my time and being realistic about how much time i have.  there are still things that i need to work on, like making more time for certain chores around the house and getting to bed earlier.  but overall it was a success.

this year my word is FOCUS

 i have to say that this word chose me.  i was thinking about it for a while and as i became open to possibilities this word kept popping up.  and it is such a perfect time for this.  i have been feeling scattered and all over the place lately.  i worry about what could happen, i have a hard time getting things completed.  and i think my problem is focus.  i have a hard time working on, thinking about, and dealing with the task at hand.  i am thinking about what's next.  i am washing the dishing and get distracted by the "ding" from my email.  i have so many areas in my life where i just need to simplify and focus on what i really want/need.  it just seems to suit my life right now.  so focus i will.

and i really want to start here.  my blog is such a great place for me.  but i feel like i am missing something. i love sharing stories about my family but i feel like there is more i want to share.  i know i started my food blog a while ago but my heart just wasn't into keeping it up.

so my thought is to expand this blog and incorporate other things that make me, me.  i have a weekly schedule that i will start out with and adjust as i go along.  see what works and the response i get.  i will include posts on food, crafting, family and home, photography and a little section i will call "in focus".  things that i want to share that may not fall into any particular category.  i also intend on sharing the post more widely.  on facebook and twitter.

i am super excited about taking this on.  i plan on treating this blog like a job for a while.  who knows maybe it could turn into one.  if nothing else, and my real purpose for doing this, is to discover what i want to focus my life on.  sofia will start kindergarten in the fall and i want to move in a direction that i can spend time doing while they are in school.  i am hoping that writing posts about the things that i love will help me focus in on out what that is.

looking forward to it.  and thanks for reading along.

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