Thursday, February 2, 2012

currents:: 2/2/12

time: 7:47am
place: home
eating: nothing.
drinking: coffee with caramel macchiato creamer.
feeling: relaxed. the first day in a long time that i haven't taken the kids to school.
reading: catching fire.  not at this second, but at this time. want to finish it so bad.
thinking: i should leave soon to get to zumba on time.
creating: a scarf that will be perfectly imperfect.
hoping: to meet my friend for lunch today.
needing: to get a dress for the gala next week.
wishing: i could spend the day working on my project life album.

are we ready for six more weeks of winter?  with a forecast of 74 degrees today and tomorrow, we are.

happy groundhogs day!

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