Friday, January 13, 2012

happy list:: 02

the happy list

green mugs from target
love the color. love the size. love the price. ($1.99 each).  happy addition to our household. i just wish we were drinking coffee so we could enjoy them.

avocado, bell pepper and tomato salad
i'll have a post on our detox experience next week, but this was our favorite recipe.  avocado, cherry tomatoes, yellow bell pepper, lime, garlic, cilantro and olive oil.  it was soooo good.  you can get the recipe here.

coldplay:: mylo xyloto
jordan bought this album with one of his itunes gift cards.  i've been listening to it everyday and love every song.  i think we all have the paradise song stuck in our head.  looks like we might be taking jordan to his second rock concert very soon.

"i'm forrest, forrest gump" by alan silvestri
in my cycling class this week the instructor played this song during our cool down.  it made me smile the whole time. i went home and played it over and over. in between listening to coldplay.  we love this movie.  and it brings back memories of working on the paramount lot when this movie was released.  makes me want to play it on the piano, if only we had a piano, and i knew how to play it.

goldfish, peanut butter and ritz crackers
made by andrew.  he's been snacking on this when he gets home from school.  what makes me even more happy is that he makes it for jordan and sofia too. he says he's the chef and this is his creation.   

a 4 day weekend
it's professional development day at our school today and martin luther king jr. day on monday.  we were hoping to go to the snow this weekend but there isn't any.  instead we will go to disneyland, a birthday party, watch the golden globes with friends, go to basketball practice and work on andrew's mission project.  it's a good thing we have 4 days to get it all done.

wishing you a delightful weekend.

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