Thursday, December 29, 2011

one little word

what a journey this word and i have had this year.

it is the word that helped me reach so many of my goals.
it is the word that kept me moving, growing and dreaming.
it kept me wondering and reaching.
it surprised me and challenged me.
it made me take a deep breathe.
it made me think and forced me to see things for what they are.
it was fun.
it will stay with me forever.

i especially enjoyed taking the one little word class this year.  it was a great way to keep my word present throughout the year.  i've been doing this for 4 years now and this is the first year that my word has been consistent, and a lot had to do with this class.

i am signing up again this year but focusing on my new word.

i started thinking about my word a few months ago.  listening and being patient.  for a while i thought my word was going to be "intention".  but then i saw this word and i really thought about the meaning and what i want for my life in the coming year and this was it.

in 2012 i want to be happy.
simple as that.

i am happy now.  i am.  not all the time, but i have a happy life.
what i want is to be really happy.
to eat things that make me happy.
to experience things that make me happy.
to visit places that make me happy.
to be with people that make me happy.
to feel it in my soul.

i think what sealed the deal for me was reading this quote:

i couldn't stop thinking about it.  to be happy not just for me but for others.

and then i found this:

my year will be filled with trying to do this.

i have been collecting quotes and synonyms and definitions.  if you follow me on pinterest you may have noticed that my quotes board has been filled with beautiful images of happiness.

this word feels right to me.  it's a simple word.  it's doable. and it can change everything.

i even have a second stage.  once i have the happiness thing down my word will transition to delight - something that gives great pleasure or joy. i have a feeling it will be a natural transition.

my sister gave me the happiness project a few years ago and it has been sitting on my bookshelf.  this is the year i read it.  maybe one chapter a month.  read it and put it into practice.

i am so excited to really be happy.
i hope you will consider having a word for your year.  it is truly life changing.
and i would love it if you would share your word here.  let's take this journey together.

1 comment:

Gaby said...

I've been thinking about my word for a while and there's been one that has kept "popping up," especially recently so I'm sticking with it: blessings. Both big and small. Those that I can see and touch and those that I can feel. I know 2012 will be a year full of many blessings because 2011 has already been an abundant one!