Thursday, March 10, 2011

how do you celebrate 41?

you make lunches and iron clothes and check homework and get kids to school.

you get flowers from your daughter's friend's mom, who is now your friend too.

you skip your run.

you pick up sudafed at the pharmacy cause you're still feeling "ick".

you get a strawberry and cream tea latte and an english muffin for breakfast.

you check facebook.

you shower and blow dry your hair.

you get gas, but only 5 gallons cause any more than that would put you in a bad mood for the rest of the day.

you pick up your daughter from school and meet your mom and sister for lunch.

you watch as your daughter slowly fades into complete sickness right before your eyes.

you drop her off at your parents' house.

you go back home to pick up your son's baseball hat cause it was the one thing you forgot before heading out the door.

you check facebook.

you pick up your boys from school. (and money for the school play costumes while you're there).

you take them to the baseball field.

you give them a snack, have them start homework and make them take a picture.
you tell him to stop eating so you can get a good picture.
you try one more time.
you laugh and give up.

you read a book while they practice.

you watch the game.

you go home to your parents and check on your daughter who is now running a fever but insists she is not sick.

you have a bean and cheese burrito for dinner.

you talk to your parents and look at family pictures.

you blow out your candle on a caramel empanada.

you go home to a messy house.

you check facebook.

you give thanks for a gorgeous day that was spent doing all of the things that you love with the people that you love.

you are grateful for every single person who wished you a happy birthday or called you and sang happy birthday (including the cha cha chocolate part) or texted you or left a comment on your blog or sent you a card or remembered your birthday and left a very thoughtful something for you when they were visiting from up north 2 weeks ago or thought of you during the day.

you feel good even though you would have wanted to get under the covers with a bowl of chicken soup and call it a day.

you feel sad that someone is no longer with you but feel him in your heart.

you feel blessed that life is good and sweet and so very precious.

you are happy that you spoke with someone special who could not be with you and hope they get better soon.

you kiss your babies goodnight.

you lay your head down to sleep next to the one that you love and the little one who is sick and your heart is full of joy and gratitude.

you regret that bean and cheese burrito.

you promise to make the next year the best year of your life.


Julie (juls2000) said...

Beautiful post! Off to check facebook (:

Jennifer said...

How lovely!

Anonymous said...

awe. happy birthday! awesome way to document it :)

ArlaMo said...

Happy Birthday!! Great post. Love The Help, BTW.

Kelly said...

Happy birthday xxx

Valerie said...

Love your writing - happy 41st!

Nancy said...

I LOVE the three photo attempts at snack time! Thanks - I needed a good laugh!