Monday, August 1, 2011

week in the life:: sunday

it's crazy to me that our week was filled with so much activity and our weekend was so mellow.  it's usually the other way around.  yesterday i felt so drained of energy.  we spent the whole day at home doing . ... nothing really.  playing, resting, relaxing.  it was a good day, don't get me wrong, it just doesn't make for a very exciting blog post.

sofia played with her wedding barbie set that she got at the rehearsal dinner.

andrew played with his alien lego set that he got at the rehearsal dinner.

breakfast was scrambled eggs with salsa over toast.

i tried to menu plan but i didn't get very far. (i'll post my menu tomorrow.)

we did spend much of the morning watching home videos.  do people still know what that is?

andrew's first birthday.  the kids loved it.

and one that bobby and i watched privately of sofia's birth.

watching it back we were both filled with emotion and cried as she was born.  i told bobby that it was interesting to relive it.  i remember there being chaos and panic when in fact it was quite calm and humorous.  my memory of that moment was filled with my own anxiety.  i was happy to see that was not the case at all.

lunch for me was greek yogurt, peaches, kashi and honey.  now you can see that it's my current favorite meal.

bobby took the kids to get smoothies, wash the car and go to osh.  they brought me back a strananaberry smoothie.

i found these signs around the house that were perfect for this project.

and then i watched the news and got frustrated.

we did go out of the house to go to church at 5:30.

on our way to dinner.

of course we ate at melody's.

my friend shay and my sister came over to watch the bachelorette but we ended up talking and looking at our high school scrapbook.

yep i've been making books like this for a long time.

they left at midnight and that officially ended this project.

i am not sure right now how i will put this book together.  maybe i'll wait to see what ali does.  i will print these up right away so that i have them to work with when i'm ready.

for now, it's done.

as i look back at the pictures i am amazed by all that i was able to capture.  and there are so many stories yet to be told.  i had a few misses.  not one family picture all week?! and there were times when i was too embarrassed to take out my camera or my phone to snap a picture.  and that's ok.  but overall this was us.

thanks for sticking with me.

oh and hello august!

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