Monday, December 8, 2014

2014 weekly menu #50

did i say last week was the week we were going to eat better? ha! if by eating better i meant eating cookies, then yes.  lots of cookies.  good cookies.  chocolate, buttery, sweet & salty cookies.  it was decadent.

this week is going to be interesting.  sports banquets, disneyland, a musical and a holiday dinner party.  i'm going to try and make good choices but i'm not guaranteeing anything.  the good news is we're only a few weeks away from a new year's resolution.

weekend eats
saturday: mexican food
sunday: pizza

making this week
monday: chicken pesto paninis and salad
tuesday: spaghetti and meatballs
wednesday: eat out
thursday: eat out
friday: eat out

looks like i get most of the week off.  yippee!  have a good one.

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