-starting our fourth week of school. andrew is really enjoying it. it's been fun seeing the work come home. i have to say i am a little surprised by how much he knows. and he is so happy to share his day with me. he loves music and spanish. he also talks about social studies and math. last week he came home with a puppet of johnny appleseed and explained the story of who he was. did you know his real name was john chapman? andrew did. he's making friends and loves his teacher. i have gotten so many comments about how cute he is. glad to see that others feel the same way. he is happy. i am happy.
-jord is doing great too. really likes his teacher, she is wonderful. he is enjoying math, reading three books at the same time; one for a book report, one for silent reading at school and one for fun. he's also been doing well in swimming. he has a meet tomorrow and he's a little anxious about it but we know he will do well. he's having a hard time thinking of a halloween costume. i'd like to cross that off my list soon.
-sofia is going to be 2 in a week. i can't believe it. she already acts like she's five. she loves school also. especially the songs and playing out on the yard. yesterday i took the boys to get their haircut and she jumped on the chair to got her bangs cut. she sat so still. so claudine, the hairdresser curled her hair with a curling iron. cuteness. sofia loved it. she's been talking beyond what i remember with the boys. i mean you can have a full on ceonversation with her. her favorite words right now are "sofia do it.' and she knows the words to most of the high school musical 2 songs. she picks out her own clothes and shoes and hates to wear anything in her hair. she loves playing with her doll and with legos, of course. we're not planning a birthday party this year. just having the family over after andrew's t-ball game. everyone is welcome if you are around.
-bobby is working hard like always. if you get a chance to catch michael douglas' new movie, please do. it's called KING OF CALIFORNIA and it's playing very limited. but it's a great little movie with a lot of heart. bobby is so proud of it. click here to view the trailer.
we went to a screening of it at our university. bobby set the whole thing up with the director as the guest speaker. i love watching bobby in his element. talking to students about the business. talking to the director about the craft. he really is amazing. last night he took the boys up to kerniville. they are racking the wine today, not sure what that is, but he's there doing it. softball season started again and he's giving it all he's got.
-i'm home today with sofia. we're decorating for halloween, my favorite time. i just wish my house was bigger so that i had more places to put things. i have been designated the room mom for jordan's class. at first i was hesitant of the responsibility, but i know that i can do it. we're working on our halloween booth for the carnival and costumes for a christopher columbus play. still working in the cafe and volunteering in jord and andrew's classes with art projects. but all of my creative energy lately was spent on invitations i made for my nieces quinceanera. designed (really copied), handcut, handmade flowers, ribbons, response cards, and personally addressed 66 cards. really time consuming but they came out so nice. the celebration is November 3. my next task is to get a dress and help make the party favors. in my "free" time, ha ha, i have been working on some scrapbooking projects. cathcing up on layouts for the year, making a recap of sofia's 2nd year and taking classes here and there.
-so now do you see why i haven't posted in a while? busy, busy, busy. which is why i decided to rename this blog five busy bees. it just seems to fit right now.
hope everyone is doing well. please leave a comment and let me know how you are.