so let's get updated:
since my last post, jordan came back from his outdoor adventure trip very happy and comfortable with being away. kind of glad that we know he can manage without us for a few days. and he was even wearing different clothes than the ones he wore when he left. that's always a good sign. he got home on a friday and saturday he and i took a surprise trip to sacramento to visit my friend april and his friend owen. it was a surprise to all three of them. i was there to celebrate april's 39th birthday (wink, wink). we had so much fun shopping at the outlet mall, going out to dinner and seeing a play at this oh-so-tiny playhouse. i even met some of her friends and loved the adult, yet girly conversations. we had a flight home on sunday, which made it a super short trip.
since then we celebrated march/april/may birthday's with the brockett clan. i can't believe it's going to be andrew's 6th birthday soon. seriously, where has the time gone? yes he was in need of a haircut and he got one, but not very short cause that's how we like it. we are having a baseball birthday lunch at our house on his actual birthday.
we celebrated good report cards at robbin's basket (as sofia calls it) and we went to disneyland on a no school day. sofia loved the princess coronation ceremony where she saw belle, sleeping beauty and mulan up close and personal.
sofia and i are enjoying some new toys at the house.
so this weekend we had a chance to visit some old friends and make new ones. friday the kids and i had a playdate with a family that also has three kids; one in jordan's class, one in andrew's class and one that goes to sofia's preschool. and the similarities don't end there. both jordan and rebecca, the eldest girl, are avid readers and writers. jonathan and andrew had fun playing lego star wars together and running around in the backyard. sofia and rachel played princess dress up and rode scooters. and it's great when we enjoy the parents too. they invited us to stay for dinner, thai food, bobby's favorite. and the best part is that they live in granada hills, not too far from us.
saturday we visited a friend of bobby's whose daughter just turned one. i so wish i could post a picture of her, but i need to get permission from them first. she is an absolute cutey!! and so happy. the kids were wild about getting to "swim" in their hot tub. the bubbles made sofia giggle. we were just a few miles away from our friends the conroys, so we stopped by for a visit and ended up staying for dinner, yummy cuban food.
finally yesterday we went to andrew's t-ball game. this was the first day that they were doing coach pitch. andrew was the last batter and he smacked it both times. i was jumping and screaming from the stands with excitement. the little guy did it!! so proud of him. of course he also played catcher and refused to put his glove up to stop any of the balls, but whatever. we then had our friends the winter's over to celebrate christmas. yes, i said christmas. we see each other all the time but hadn't made a date to celebrate and exchange gifts until now. i think we will make it a tradition to celebrate way after the holiday.
so that's about it. i'm all caught up and will try to post again soon. trying to work up to 100 posts. hope everyone is well. leave a comment just to say hi so i know who is visiting us here.