Thursday, August 9, 2007

One Dollar

That was the prize money this morning from the tooth fairy. Of course before putting it under his pillow, he wanted to know if the tooth fairy was a girl and is there more than one. Yes to both, but I had never really thought about it. Not sure how he feels about the dollar. And quite frankly not sure what he did with it. He just came into the room this morning and said, instead of a tooth, I got a dollar. Then he says, "is two alot." Was he asking for more? To be honest if it wasn't for the earthquake at 1 AM that made us jump out of bed, I'm not sure the tooth fairy would have remebered to put anything under his pillow. At that time of night, the choices were $1, $10,or $20. She decided not to set his expectations so high on the first one.

Then this afternoon while having lunch Andrew and I have this conversation:

Andrew: Mama, were you a kid in the 70's? (yes, this is Andrew asking me this question)
Mama: Yeah, why?
A: Were you black or white?
M: What?
A: Were you black or white?
M: Andrew I have always been this color.
A: You mean brown?
M: Yeah I guess. Why?
A: Because you told me and Jordan that in the 70's black people and white people could not be together.
M: Hmm, that was in the 60's. And people don't change their skin color.
A: So you'll always be brown and I'll always be tan?
M: yes.
A: Good than we can always be together?
M: Always.

And he moves on in life. Thinking and wondering about the most amazing things.
(I did have that conversation with them but it was prompted by something we saw on tv. They also know what a mortgage is, how escrow works and way too much information on why you have to pay for things.)

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