Thursday, May 10, 2012

dear son,

i love you.
happy birthday.

i hope your day is filled with adventure and discovery.
i hope it's filled with laughter and surprises.
10 years ago today i held you in my arms and fell in love in an instant.
you were perfect, and beautiful, and amazing.
you still are.

you are predictable but keep us wondering.

you are complex and simple.
you are quiet and expressive.
you are shy and entertaining.
you are playful and mature.
you are easy going but take life seriously.
you make us laugh and drive us crazy.
you have strength and tenderness.
you are confident but like reassurance.
you are righteous and defiant.
you play by the rules but make up your own.
you love adventure but like to play it safe.
you have a big heart in a small body.
you are human and monkey.

life is exciting because you are here.
i hope you enjoy your surprise at camp today.
i'm glad i got to talk to you this morning. even though you barely said a word.
but i can't wait to hug you and tell you in person,

i love you.
happy birthday.


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