Friday, August 2, 2013

hello august

hello to the month i've been waiting for and dreading at the same time.
hello band camp.
hello high school {gulp}.
hello to getting him to school on time.
hello to being a part of a rock band.
hello to one more month of summer for the other two.
hello to new school clothes and supplies.
hello to dinnertime for four.
hello to facetime, phone calls and lots of text messages.
hello to deep breathes and remembering it will be worth it.
hello to some projects at home.
hello to a football rally, back to school bbq, parent social and band booster activities.
hello to planning for another (my last) school year as pto president.
hello to some creative projects - i'm going to force myself to do them.
hello to homegrown tomatoes.
hello to staying busy on the weekends.
hello to running again.
hello to the end of our vacation.
hello to goodbye.

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